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Monday, October 24, 2011

CE: Why Don't People Help?

Early Friday morning the 2 year old girl by the name of Xiao Yueyue in China died after a week of being in a coma. This story is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. A TWO YEAR OLD BABY got hit by TWO CARS and was ignored by EIGHTEEN PEOPLE before someone finally helped her. That's fucking sad. It makes me SO upset to think about it. I can't even imagine how her family is feeling. 

Do people not care at all? If there is a baby in the street my first instinct is to GO SEE IF IT'S OKAY. Are people stupid? It pisses me off so much that people don't have enough common sense to go help a child in the street crying and bleeding. I mean wouldn't you think they'd go help? I can't even put myself in her parents shoes, I legit start crying every time. It's sick. For all those people who just passed by her and didn't say shit, you all should feel ashamed of yourselves, and for the family, my prayers go out to you...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you I wrote on this exact subject that I responded to from Sarina Ngo post you should check both of them out (mine and hers) because you fell the same way we all do.
