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| Family | Boys | Music | Singing | Dancing | Cody Simpson | Beaches | Friends | Tumblr | Facebook | Texting | Saying "AAAWKWARD" | Birthday : November 4th | Hate: Hoes, Fakes, Spiders, Shit-talkers, Rats, Freeways, People that Cat |


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Biweekly (FICTION) : Where Is It ?

        A person is looking for an object in a darkened room 

       I couldn't find it. What you ask? My ring.  I NEEDED TO FIND MY RING. My mother gave it to me just before she passed. It symbolizes that she's always with me no matter what. It was somewhere in my darkened room. I just didn't know where. Daddy had to get the lights turned off because he couldn't pay the bill. I wasn't able to sleep until I found it. Would you like to know the story? Of course you do.

        The room was freezing, so cold i had to wear sweat pants and a sweater and I'd still need the blankets to keep warm. It was terrible. I stood up, feeling everywhere around me so I didn't hurt myself. It was pitch black. I felt blind. I was scared. There was noises coming from outside and I felt a shiver go down my back when I heard the howling of a wolf. I started slowly walking to my dresser. I had hard wood floors, so those made my feet cold also. I felt the smooth wood on my hands. I remembered when I built that dresser with my mom. She let me sand paper it down. I miss her. My heart beat is racing rapidly. I started thinking of the worst case scenarios like "What if I can't find it?" and "What if somebody stole it?". I didn't know what to do.  

       I kept feeling around the top of my dresser. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash & my feet were stinging. I knelt down, the muscles in my legs shaking & tingling. I put my hand on the cold floor, then I felt like something was piercing through my skin. I stood back up & felt my hand, I was bleeding. I've always hated blood, it makes me sick. So, knowing that I was bleeding gave me a lump in my throat & my stomach tied into knots. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

       I checked my desk next. That was the only other place it could be. I felt everywhere. The coldness, the roughness of it's black wood. I went into my basket. I put my hand in it and felt a poke, realizing that's where I keep all my pencils. I go to the bottom of the basket. I feel a circular. MY RING. I found it. Tears run down my cheek like a waterfall. Not tears of pain, tears of joy. The feeling of relief I get is a feeling I'll never forget. The feeling that new parents get knowing they have something that will be with them until they die. Weird comparison, i know. But that isn't the point. The point is I found my ring. 

       I slowly walked back to my bed, layed down, put the warm covers on, and then put on the ring. I held my hand with the ring close on my chest, right by my heart. I close my eyes and whispered:
" I love you, Mom."