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Monday, October 31, 2011

A Dream Deferred.

How to describe a dream deferred?
What happens to dreams that you just throw away? Do they ever come back to you? Or are they gone forever? That dream that you didn't feel was important to you is going to be there for awhile, but eventually it's going to start wilting away. You may have a dream at one point, but as you get older they could change, but do you ever really loose memory of the dream? It always is stuck with you. You'll reminisce about the dreams every once in a while, whether it was good or bad dream. It's sad when people just give up on their dreams though, especially when they were so good at them. People always think they aren't good enough to fulfill something. I know what it feels like, but I'll fulfill my dream someday, I know it.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

CE: Why Don't People Help?

Early Friday morning the 2 year old girl by the name of Xiao Yueyue in China died after a week of being in a coma. This story is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. A TWO YEAR OLD BABY got hit by TWO CARS and was ignored by EIGHTEEN PEOPLE before someone finally helped her. That's fucking sad. It makes me SO upset to think about it. I can't even imagine how her family is feeling. 

Do people not care at all? If there is a baby in the street my first instinct is to GO SEE IF IT'S OKAY. Are people stupid? It pisses me off so much that people don't have enough common sense to go help a child in the street crying and bleeding. I mean wouldn't you think they'd go help? I can't even put myself in her parents shoes, I legit start crying every time. It's sick. For all those people who just passed by her and didn't say shit, you all should feel ashamed of yourselves, and for the family, my prayers go out to you...

RP: Is being yourself that hard?

"I think the kids today are always trying to impress each other. But for what? Are you trying to impress your friends? If they were really your friends then you wouldn't have to try to impress them." - Kristy Vo
 I definitely agree with what Kristy is saying. I see a lot of kids trying to impress they're "friends" to look hella cool. What they don't seem to realize is that if they were your friends you wouldn't have to "impress" them 'cos they'd love you for who you are. Holy crap BE YOURSELF. I don't see why people think it's such a big deal to have hella friends and be cool. Those friends that you try to impress probably aren't going to be there for you years from now.

I mean think about this people, wouldn't you rather have a few GOOD ASS FRIENDS that you have so much fun with, have hella shit in common with each other, and you can be yourself around them then a lot of friends who you have to try to impress to actually get them to have anything to do with you at all. If they actually liked you then you wouldn't have to change for them. People don't get that. It just irritates the hell out of me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Free: Um, that's gross.

So, i was on Google reader and I saw a bunch of posts about the same subject. Sex. It was sickening. Talking about how you're gonna have some "good sex" is disgusting, especially when you're 12. When I was your age I was riding bikes, not dicks. My mom always told me that you won't really enjoy sex to the fullest until you do it with someone who means something to you and you're older. Which I think is true. I mean I personally think that's some stuff that you should keep to yourself. I don't think anyone wants to read about it. 

That's your personal business that probably no one cares about. Teen's now-a-days think sex will make you "cool", when reality is people will most likely think you're a slut or a grimmey ass nigga who's been with hella dirty females. That's THE definition of TMI (To Much Info). Ew, it's gross. Keep that to yourself. If you need to talk about it go see a counselor. Nobody wants to know where your penis has been. Same for you ladies. People don't wanna know who's been inside you. That's fucking nasty.

RP: Stereotypes. Ew.

"It is like saying if you are short, you suck at sports. If you are ugly, no one is going to talk to you. If you are black, you are dangerous. And the list goes on and on... but it is true if you think about it. You hate someone for who they are instead of who they are not." -Bridget Kim
I agree 100%. People hate each other because of what/who they are. There's so many types of stereotypes of different people. Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, gays, everyone. There's not ONE group of people without at least one stereotype. It's sad. Everyone deserves to be themselves. 

Everyone is different also. Not all Mexicans can "jump fences", not all Black people are "dangerous", not all blondes are "stupid", not all people who wear black are "emo". WHY CAN'T YOU SAY " oh that person does such and such, they are THEMSELVES." People dress the way they like, talk the way they like, act the way they like, despite what haters think. If they wanted your opinion they'd ask. NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK, especially if you aren't even a part of their lives. Get the fuck out, honestly.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(FP) Love is LOUDER than the pressure to be PERFECT

Demi Lovato in her "Love Is Louder Than The Pressure To Be Perfect" campaign
Demi Lovato is my hero. Point blank. She's been through hell but she's still standing strong. She's suffered from Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, and Cutting. See, living proof that most celebrities are REAL people. Not perfect like society and television make them. Everything she's been through, are symptoms that people around the world are going through every day. It's sad. People don't realize how beautiful they really are, so they feel the need to change themselves.

Demi's problems got bad, so bad she had to go to rehab. When her rehab treatment was over she got tattoos on her wrists that say "Stay Strong" so whenever she feels like cutting, or going back to her old ways she'll look at them and change her mind. She is a strong individual and I admire her so much. I've gone through the shit she has, and lemme tell you, it SUCKS. So badly. But I've realized that I'm so much better than that, no matter what people say. I know myself and that's all that matters. People who don't like me, talk shit about me, don't matter. It's kind of flattering to me knowing that they talk about me. It means that they have nothing better to do with their pathetic ass lives. Sooo I know I'm in their heads. Thanks guys (:

(RP): The Music Industry.. smh .

"It seems nowadays all music is about sex, money, drugs. Wanna know what sucks about that? Some people will think that's cool and live that lifestyle that artist is living. Then they start making stupid decisions because if an artist can do it, that means they can do it too." - Justin Del Rosario
I think that Justin made a really good point. Artists get away with to much. Just because they do it definitely doesn't make you cool. Doing drugs, having sex, and "getting paper" aren't that important. Besides getting bank. They way they play it out to be though, like selling drugs and shit is DUMBBBBB. I mean, if you're homeless or something, then you gotta do what you gotta do. There's ways to get money without doing stupid illegal shit. Drugs man, I can't say that people shouldn't do them, cos that'll make me a big ass hypocrite. I think drugs aren't that bad honestly. HARDCORE drugs like Crack, Meth, Heroine and shit shouldn't be aloud but all now-a-days rap artists smoke Weed. IT'S NOT THAT BAD. Society needs to get over it. 

"The music industry does this because it makes them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..."
I hope they feel like dicks if some kid who "looks up to them" shoots some person because they said it would be cool or it shows you can roll with the best. Is the money worth it then? I mean y'all can make bank with lyrics that don't talk about shit like that. It's just dumb....

Monday, October 3, 2011

RP: Depression.

"Have you ever been in a bad place where you dont wanna do anything or be with anyone? All you wanna do is just sit down and just sit nothing else you feel like your world is coming to an end." -Michael Hulihan
This made me kind of sad. I hate when people feel like this. I've been through it. About more than half the people I know have been depressed at one point or another. Everyone goes through things. Some not as bad as others, but everyone has something bad happen to them. Whether it's a family death, divorce, friend issues, etc. My parents are divorced, and the both don't have jobs, so I'm a little depressed myself at this point. But I have great friends to help me and always remember that things will get better. I gotta quote my boy JB here (:

" I know there's sunshine beyond the rain. I know there's good times beyond that pain." -Justin Bieber

 People need friends when their depressed and some don't have any. I feel bad for those people who have no one to talk to. Their feelings just get bottled up until they explode. Others, use pain to help them through. Like cutting. I've been there, done that, and it's my past. I don't like to think about it at all. I wouldn't recommend doing it to anyone. It doesn't help at all. It's a waste of your time and body. People need help. No one can do it alone. It'll only get worse.