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Sunday, September 25, 2011

CE: The Suffering of Starvation.

       It's sad isn't it? Yeah, I think so too. There are hundreds of kids around the world that look exactly like this starving child. It's disappointing to me that not a lot of people try to make a difference. Celebrities, who have millions of dollars, don't even try to help. A few do, but not enough to make a change. People don't realize how LUCKY they are to have what they have, things could be worse. 

You may not have the BEST life, but you certainly don't have the worst either. Everyday, these children have to live like this, so every time you go "God man, I feel like I'm starving", YOU'RE NO WHERE CLOSE. Imagine how this child is feeling every day. They probably feel like they'd rather be dead, or they feel disgusting. I found this picture on Tumblr.com, it's a blogging website with touching photos and stuff. When I first saw this, I legit felt like I was going to cry. My eyes watered up and everything. So please, all I'm asking of people is to pray for the people that live like this throughout the world. Maybe you'll think twice about buying that unnecessary cup of coffee from Starbucks, or wasting the rest of your food.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(Free) - Boundaries .

       Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify him or herself which they think are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them and how they will respond when someone steps outside those limits. They define you as an individual. They are statements of what you will do, what you won't do, what you do like and what you don't like... or how close someone can get to you.

Boundaries however, are not always the best things. They can keep you from progressing in life. You can't let your boundaries control you, no matter how much you want to. You need to do different things. Take a risk. Life is a risk, but you can't keep yourself safe by not doing things. That's no fun. Life shouldn't be about worries, I think people should just have fun. There's a quote from a song I really like :
"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives." -Drake (:
 That's really true. Some people go through their lives taking orders & setting boundaries. At some time you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out. They fence you in. Life is messy, and that's how we're made. So you can waste your life drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them.

Biweekly (FICTION) : Where Is It ?

        A person is looking for an object in a darkened room 

       I couldn't find it. What you ask? My ring.  I NEEDED TO FIND MY RING. My mother gave it to me just before she passed. It symbolizes that she's always with me no matter what. It was somewhere in my darkened room. I just didn't know where. Daddy had to get the lights turned off because he couldn't pay the bill. I wasn't able to sleep until I found it. Would you like to know the story? Of course you do.

        The room was freezing, so cold i had to wear sweat pants and a sweater and I'd still need the blankets to keep warm. It was terrible. I stood up, feeling everywhere around me so I didn't hurt myself. It was pitch black. I felt blind. I was scared. There was noises coming from outside and I felt a shiver go down my back when I heard the howling of a wolf. I started slowly walking to my dresser. I had hard wood floors, so those made my feet cold also. I felt the smooth wood on my hands. I remembered when I built that dresser with my mom. She let me sand paper it down. I miss her. My heart beat is racing rapidly. I started thinking of the worst case scenarios like "What if I can't find it?" and "What if somebody stole it?". I didn't know what to do.  

       I kept feeling around the top of my dresser. All of a sudden I heard a loud crash & my feet were stinging. I knelt down, the muscles in my legs shaking & tingling. I put my hand on the cold floor, then I felt like something was piercing through my skin. I stood back up & felt my hand, I was bleeding. I've always hated blood, it makes me sick. So, knowing that I was bleeding gave me a lump in my throat & my stomach tied into knots. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

       I checked my desk next. That was the only other place it could be. I felt everywhere. The coldness, the roughness of it's black wood. I went into my basket. I put my hand in it and felt a poke, realizing that's where I keep all my pencils. I go to the bottom of the basket. I feel a circular. MY RING. I found it. Tears run down my cheek like a waterfall. Not tears of pain, tears of joy. The feeling of relief I get is a feeling I'll never forget. The feeling that new parents get knowing they have something that will be with them until they die. Weird comparison, i know. But that isn't the point. The point is I found my ring. 

       I slowly walked back to my bed, layed down, put the warm covers on, and then put on the ring. I held my hand with the ring close on my chest, right by my heart. I close my eyes and whispered:
" I love you, Mom."

RP : Crying .

"I believe that crying doesn't make you a baby at all. Yet it depends on what you're crying about." -Bridget Kim
I agree & disagree with Bridget. I agree in the sense that crying doesn't make you a baby. It shows that you have true feelings for whatever you are crying about & that it really does effect you. Like Bridget also said:
"Let's say you go off on a road trip for couple weeks with your schoolmates and end up crying because you're homesick. That's honestly understandable in my opinion..."
That's a legit reason to cry. You're missing your home. The place that you are used to. I personally know what it feels like first hand. I went on a camping trip and cried because I missed my family and my home. It's weird going from a place you're always at to a place you aren't familiar with. It scares you, not knowing what's going to happen. I was scared, thankfully I had friends to calm me down & tell me I was going to be okay. Of course, I already knew I was going to be okay, it was just nice to have some comfort from people & knowing that they care enough to make me feel better. Soooooooooo , another part of Bridget's post was what she thinks is NOT a legit reason to cry .
"Second example drives me insane sometimes, and that's when I see girls cry over boyfriends. For real though, ladies my age don't know much shit about what "real love" is."
This is the part I disagree with. We may not know what "real love" is, but it still hurts. Obviously it's a big deal to us if we are crying. I cried over my ex once, it hurt like a bitch. We're human, we have feelings, and crying is just one of the many ways that we show our feelings. People cry for joy, happiness, and pain. I don't think it's irritating or dumb to see girls cry over boyfriends, or boyfriends cry over girlfriends because they are people that they TRULY care about. They can't help it. They're hurting. For some people crying is a way to make them feel better. It lets everything out & lets them start fresh. That's how I felt. I felt like once I got everything out I'd feel better, & I did. So no , crying over a boyfriend and/or girlfriend is not that dumb. 

ANYWAYS , i still think Bridget's blog was amazing . (:

Friday, September 16, 2011

FREE: We're not friends, we're sisters (:

Jennifer & I have been good friends for about 10 years now. She's not just my friend, she's my sister. No matter what people say about her she is STRONG. She doesn't let ANYONE get in her way & stop her from doing what she needs to because all the fake people that talk about her are just a bunch of HATERS. She's been there for me when other people weren't. She's ALWAYS there and I freaking love her for that. We get into fights, we make up, then we just continue on. We've only gotten into two major fights without making up the next day. 

Seventh grade (i think), somebody told her I started a rumor about her, which wasn't true at all. Jennifer hated me. We went through at least HALF of seventh grade without speaking to each other & calling each other some pretty nasty names. Thankfully, the truth eventually came out about who started it. Everything was perfectly fine from there on. She's helped me with so many things. School, family, rumors & especially BOYS. She's helped me when I was crying because of things that were said about me, when i was crying about some guy that screwed me over. He was a real douche. My ex too. I officially am disgusted by Quesadillas & Burritos. SHE KNOWS WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT (: Well anyway, she's been a good friend to me no matter what. She's like my sister & I hope people feel pretty stupid when they tried to break our friendship up & FAILED. I hope me & Jenn are friends for awhile. She means so much to me. I love her to death & no fake bitches can break us up because our friendship is REAL. They must feel stupid. I know I would. I love you Jenn (: Hope you liked this . 

RE: Nobody's Perfect

'Words like these seem to constantly repeat in our minds: become stronger, become skinnier, eat less, wear more make up... because if you don’t, you will not be considered beautiful/handsome or you won't be accepted by your peers." -Casandra Duong
I think this is one of the best blog posts I've seen yet. This is so true. People think that if you don't have everything that you see on television, you aren't normal. Which isn't true at all. I think that people need to stop worrying about what they look like, and just be their selves. NOBODY IS PERFECT, and that's what the media seems the make us think we have to be. What is perfect? Nobody knows. Everyone has their own idea of "perfect". Everyone's "perfect" is different, and nobody's "perfect" is right. The media is stupid. They make people think that's what they have to look like in order to be accepted in the world. Which isn't true at all. 

I think it's quite horrible. The people that look like that on television have loads of make up on, they have personal stylists. People don't have those. We have to deal with what we have, and apparently what we have isn't "perfect". SO WHAT?! So what if you don't wear makeup? So what if you don't have the nicest clothes? So what if you don't hangout with "popular people"? That's not what's important in life. That makeup, those clothes, or that popular group of friends aren't going to get you anywhere in life. You do what you have to do in order to get by. 

The media says it would be better if we were skinnier, prettier, more popular, and people try to change because of that. Don't change for anyone but yourself. Don't do what you think you have to in order to be accepted. Do it because you want to! You're the only controler of your life. Not the media, not your peers, and not your parents. Don't change to make other people happy, and don't change to live up to these high standards the media has put in our faces. Change because it's what you want for yourself, because in the long run, it's not going to effect the people around you, it'll be you that's effected for the rest of your life. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CE : Kenya Pipeline Burst

           On mid-morning Monday, Kenya had a pipeline explosion. To me, this video was completely crazy & very saddening. Seeing the people hurt & having half their skin ripped off is something I wish no one had to go through.
          "Entire families were wiped out. Chard bodies laid almost everywhere in one of the poorest spots of Nairobi." 
This quote kind of hit a soft spot for me. I can't imagine how it would be living in that country. ENTIRE families were wiped out. That's crazy. I feel bad for everyone there that had to go through seeing that, and most importantly, everyone who died that day. So many disasters are happening. It's horrible. The US isn't all it plays out to be. There are some perks, but then again, we have more terrorist attacks than anywhere in the world, we're in debt, and there's wars a lot. Its not what should be happening. In Kenya too. People should be more careful with things like this. There's precautions that they can do to prevent events that kill people from happening. For example, they could move people away from where the pipeline is. Then, when it exploded, less people would have been killed, if not any at all. I think all countries just need to be more careful with things like this.

Friday, September 9, 2011

FREE: Judgement & Bullying

       Why do people judge and bully? EVERYONE has the right to be themselves. People are judged and bullied everywhere I look. At school mostly. People seem to think it's fun and okay to do that. they do it off of what they hear and see. i don't get it. Do they do it because they feel bad and try to make themselves feel better or because they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives? I am one of the many who have been bullied, and to this day I still am. Frankly, I'm getting pretty damn tired of it. 

There's people that have taken their lives because of it. It's horrible. How could you live with yourself  knowing that someone took their life away because of something YOU said. Nobody is perfect, but society makes people think that's what you have to be, and when they realize they aren't perfect, they think they're disgraces. Everyone is beautiful. Sometimes on the outside and not on the inside, sometimes on the inside and not on the outside, and maybe they're on the outside and the inside. Everyone is beautiful in some way. No body should ever forget that. 

RE: Texting While Driving.... Not a Good Idea

"I mean really is texting more important than your life or someone else’s life?" -Biruk Gebreyesus
       This quote really made me think. I don't drive yet, but when I do I probably would be texting. I text all the time. During school, break, lunch, passing periods, after school. I'm sitting at this computer seeing that I do text way to much. I don't drive yet, but when I do I probably would be texting. I see commercials all the time on television about texting while driving. Even though I see those I say to myself "I'd be fine as long as I watch the road." Even if I was fine it's still illegal. So many people loose their lives because of that. It's stupid. 

Like Biruk said is this one text really more important than your or someone else's life? I don't think so. You may not kill someone, but you can majorly hurt someone. I have a friend that I've known since I was a little girl named Amy.  She got into a car crash because the other driver was texting. She is now paralyzed from the waste down. A lot of people don't care, but it's true. Texting while driving can hurt someone. People should take better precautions to keep this from happening. That's basically all I have to say.

CE: 102 Minutes That Forever Changed the World

        The anniversary of 9/11 is on Sunday. Here's what I have to say about this subject.

       9/11 has changed many people's lives. A few ways are that they've lost family members, a lot of people have become scared, and the government has made a lot of changes in security. The day of 9/11 took about 2,000 peoples lives, so that's about 2,000 families that suffered from loosing someone. Nobody knows how that feels until it happens to them. I heard a lot of students say that the day shouldn't be remembered and that the people who died should also be forgotten. What good would that do? It would be like the people weren't even alive and that their life had meant nothing. It may be just me that thinks it, but that isn't right.  

Those people's lives should be cherished, especially the people who risked their own lives to try to save the people. They knew that there was a chance of them not coming back out of that burning building, but they didn't let that stop them. To me, they are true heroes, and should be remembered. The government was also very effected. Ever since the tragedy of 9/11 the security systems in the USA have increased in buildings, airports, etc. I remember when it happened. I was five. I remember watching it on the T.V with my mom and dad (when they were still together). I asked questions, but the only response I got was:
"You're to young to understand honey."
       I wanted to know. Not later, i wanted to know then. That's all i thought about for the rest of the day. It's crazy knowing that so long ago I had no idea about the topic of 9/11, but now I have so much to say. Honestly, nobody knows the inside story except the people in the plane and the person that made the plan. People can make judgments, but reality is they have no idea what they're talking about.
       People seem to think that 9/11 is a day of mourning, but to me that's not what it is at all. It's a day of celebration. A day to remember the people thats lives where taken from them. Innocent people. That's what I feel is so stupid about it. inncoent people were killed. I feel that's unreasonable and unfair. I could go on and on about this topic, but I'm going to cut it here and maybe save the rest for a different post.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

BC: All about me (:

My name is Brianna Stagnaro-Green and my birthday is November 4th, 1996. My hobbies are swimming, basketball, dancing, and singing. I also play some sports, but mostly basketball and softball. Although, I still play soccer and volleyball for fun. When I’m older (and have enough money) I want to take a 200 day trip to different places in Europe like Italy, Spain, Turkey, Paris, Hungary, etc.

Just so you can get a little background on me and my family I’ll tell you a few things. My mom was going to join the army, until she found out she was pregnant with me. My dad doesn’t really do anything special, and my uncle was one of the men that found Osama Bin Laden. That’s about it, my family isn’t to exciting. I live at home with my dad and my brother. My brother’s name is Trevor, and he suffers with Autism. Even though it’s mild, it still causes him to not be able to do some things.

Well, I guess now I’ll talk about my school life. I’ve had a lot of problems with teachers. Ever since 8th grade I haven’t been doing the stuff I should, so the teachers would give me an attitude and get mad, and of course being a teenager, I would give an attitude straight back. I don’t like being told what to do by a teacher I don’t respect. I respect the teachers that don’t yell at me or get mad hella quickly. I guess thats a typical thing for High School students though huh? This year is going to change though. I want to get a good education and go to a good college so i can get an amazing job and be able to provide for the family i eventually want.

A big part of my life is Art. All types of art like singing, dancing, acting, and drawing. Music is my life though. It's what i want to do with my life. I want to be a singer/songwriter or an actress when i grow up. Now, i know that everyone wants to be "famous", but honestly, if I could perform without the fame that would be fine, as long as I'd get to do what i love. I really like dancing, it helps me express myself with my body movements and it's really peaceful. 

I don't really have a lot of writing goals for this year. Some of them are getting a better vocabulary, being more creative, and using the right tenses. I have that problem a lot, I write in the wrong tense. I also have a problem with getting my ideas down on paper. Like, in my head my ideas seem fantastic, but when I try to type it, write it down, or say it out loud, it just doesn't make sense. I don't know why that happens. 

My favorite types of writing to do is Stories, Interviews & Poetry. I like stories because it gives me a chance to be creative and entertain the readers with my stories. I've done a few interviews also. I used to be in the School Newspaper in Middle School so i had to do some interviews with the teachers, so I'm pretty experienced in the Interview category. Poetry is one of my favorite pieces of writing though. You're able to express yourself through your writing and tell people your feelings without them judging you. 

Well, i hope you've gotten to know me well. (: